Bosh sahifa> Mahsulotlar> Portativ spektrofotometrlar> Gorizontal spektrofotometrlar> Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660

Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660

Min. Buyurtma:1 Piece/Pieces
Port:Contact salesperson to confirm
  • $5580≥1 Piece/Pieces

$ 5580 / Piece/Pieces

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Model raqamiCS-660



Functioncolor detection

Measurement StabilityΔE*ab≤ 0.02

CaliberType A: 10mm, Type B: 4mm, 6mm

Qo'llab-quvvatlash DasturiQo'llab-quvvatlash

Kompyuter Dasturini Qo'llab-quvvatlashQo'llab-quvvatlash

Ilova JoylariAsosan püskürtmek, plastiklar, matametrlar, metall, keramika, qurilish materiallari, charm, bo'yoq va boshqalar kabi sanoat ranglarini aniqlash uchun ishlatiladi.



Paket va etkazib berish
Sotish birliklari: Piece/Pieces
Paket turi: Tasdiqlash uchun Sarterson bilan bog'laning

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Mahsulot tavsifi
CS-660 ko'chma spektrofmometr
CS-660 Portativ spektrofotometrlar seriyasi klassik seriyalarning rangli spektr mahsulotidir. Ular hech qanday harakatlanuvchi qismlarsiz professional gorizontal dizaynlardir. Ular kompyuter yonidagi operatsion dastur bilan jihozlangan. CS-660 seriyali 4 ta mahsulotni o'z ichiga oladi.
Type CS-660
Illumination d/8(Diffused lighting, 8 degrees observe angle)、SCI(specular reflection included)/SCE(specular reflection excluded)simultaneous measurement。(conform to CIE No.15、ISO 7724/1、ASTM E1164、DIN 5033 Teil7、 JIS Z8722 Condition c standards)
Size of integrating sphere Φ40mm,Avian diffused reflection surface coating
Illumination Light source CLEDs(entire wavelength balanced LED light source)
Sensor dual light path sensor array
Wavelength range 400-700nm
Wavelength interval 10nm
Half spectral width 5nm
Reflectivity range 0-200%
Reflectivity resolution 0.01%
Observation angle 2°/10°
Measurement light source A,C,D50,D55,D65,D75,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,F11,F12,DLF,TL83,TL84,NBF,U30,CWF
Data being displayed Reflectance graph/value, sample chromatic value, color difference values, color assessment results, color tendency, display measurement area, history color value simulation, manual input standard sample, generate measurement reports
Measurement time interval 0.5 seconds
Test Aperture Type A: 10mm,  Type B: 4mm, 6mm
Measurement time 1 second
Color space CIE-L*a*b, L*C*h, L*u*v, XYZ, Yxy, Reflectance
Hunterlab,Munsell MI,CMYK,RGB,HSB
Color difference formulas ΔE*ab, ΔE*CH, ΔE*uv, ΔE*cmc(2:1), ΔE*cmc(1:1),ΔE*94,ΔE*00
ΔEab(Hunter),555 shade sort
Other colorimetric indices WI(ASTM E313-10,ASTM E313-73,CIE,ISO2470/R457, AATCC, Hunter, Taube Berger, Ganz, Stensby); YI(ASTM D1925,ASTM E313-00,ASTM E313-73);Tint(ASTM E313,CIE,Ganz)
Metamerism index Milm, Stick color fastness, Color fastness
ISO luminance, 8 gloss, A density, T density, M density, E density,Covering power, force,Opacity, color strength
Repeatability light splitting reflectivity:standard deviation within 0.08%
    color values:ΔE*ab<=0.02,Maximum:0.04
Battery capacity rechargeable, 10000 continuous tests, 7.4V/6000mAh
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PaketTasdiqlash uchun Sarterson bilan bog'laning

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Bosh sahifa> Mahsulotlar> Portativ spektrofotometrlar> Gorizontal spektrofotometrlar> Rang spektr ko'chib bo'lingan Sprofotometom CS-660
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